When you first subscribe to GovBooks, you will receive an invitation to set up your GovBooks account and create your password. You then connect your QuickBooks Online account to GovBooks. The final step is to import your data from QuickBooks Online into GovBooks.
Step 1:
Open the GovBooks invite you received in your email inbox after subscribing.
Alert!: Check your spam/junk folder if you do not see the invitation or search for support@govbooks-online.com.

Step 2:
Click "here" to accept the invitation to GovBooks.
Alert!: The invitation expires in 5 days, so please accept it at your earliest convenience.

Step 3:
Enter your password and click "Submit".

Step 4:
Sign in to GovBooks with your Company Name and email. Click "Sign In". Your Company Name is an abbreviation, all small case, with no spaces, and can be found in the invitation email.

Step 5:
Once you are signed in, click "System Setup".

Step 6:
Navigate to "Company Information" in the "System Setup" menu at the top.

Step 7:
In the "QB Online Company ID" field, enter the information from your QBO Subscription with no spaces. When GovBooks connects to QuickBooks Online, it will compare this number to your company ID in QuickBooks Online and allow a connection if the two are the same. This will prevent you from connecting to the wrong database should you have more than one QBO company.

Step 8:
To find your QuickBooks Online company ID, log into QBO and click on the "gear" icon in the upper-right hand corner and select "Subscriptions and Billing".

Step 9:
You will find your Company ID listed on this page. Enter it into GovBooks without any spaces.

Step 10:
To connect GovBooks with QuickBooks Online, click "QBO Integration".

Step 11:
Click this button "Connect to QuickBooks".
Alert!: If you are already signed in to QuickBooks Online as an administrator, the following steps of signing in to QuickBooks may be omitted.

Step 12:
Enter your email or User ID and click "Sign In" to sign in to QuickBooks Online. If you are already signed in to QuickBooks Online as an administrator, the following steps of signing in to QuickBooks may be omitted. You will need administrative privileges for your QuickBooks Online account to connect GovBooks to QuickBooks Online.
Alert!: You will need administrative privileges for your QuickBooks Online account to connect GovBooks to QuickBooks Online.

Step 13:
Enter your Intuit password and click "Continue". Your Intuit password may be different than your GovBooks password.
Alert!: Your Intuit password may be different than your GovBooks password.

Step 14:
Select your company.

Step 15:
Click "Connect" to complete the connection.

Step 16:
Your screen will revert to GovBooks. Click "Import data from QB Online". Your entire QuickBooks Online database will be imported so this may take a minute or more.

Step 17:
When the data import is completed, the status bar will indicate "100%". Your data is now updated. To refresh your data, you may come back to this screen and import data again.