How to set up a New User in GovBooks
You can now invite additional users to GovBooks at no additional cost. The monthly subscription fee of $100 per month now covers any number of GovBooks users. Invite additional company staff members and outside accountants and consultants. Create unlimited roles and permissions for your new GovBooks Users.
In this article, I will show you how to:
Add a new GovBooks user
Create a custom role
Add permissions to a custom role
Add a New GovBooks User
Step 1: Navigate to the User Setup screen
Click on "System Setup" on the upper menu bar. Select "User Setup". Click on the button "Add New User".

Step 2: Complete the Create A New User form
Enter the first name, last name and email address of the new user. A new user can be anyone from your organization or anyone outside of your organization. Your company subscription includes unlimited GovBooks users. Next, select the Role Name from the drop down list. If you need to create a new role for this new GovBooks user, click the "Cancel" button and set up the new role first and then return here to add the new user. If there is a role available for this new user, select it and click the "Create" button. An invite will automatically be sent to the new user who will then be able to set up their password and log in to GovBooks. The new user will have 5 days to log in before the invitation expires. If you need to reinvite the new user, you will find a "reinvite" button to the far right. On this screen you may also inactivate or remove a GovBooks user.

Step 3: Edit the User Details screen
After adding a new GovBooks user and assigning a role, you will need to review the "User Details" screen to finish the new user setup. Click on "System Setup" on the upper menu bar. Select "User Details". In the "User" field, select the new user. Review the "Level of Permission Access" section. When a new user is initially added, the Level of Permission Access is automatically set to "View Only" which allows the new user to view the screens that have been assigned to the role, but not edit the data in the screens (see below "Add Permissions to a Custom Role" to add more screens). If you want the user to have the ability to edit data in a screen that is listed, check the box for "Full Access". Note you can also add Widgets in this screen to the user's Dashboard, reset the user's password and change the user's email. When finished, click the "Save" button.

Create a Custom Role
Step 1: Navigate to the Role Setup screen
Click on "System Setup" on the upper menu bar. Select "Role Setup". Click on the button "Add New Role".

Step 2: Complete the Create A New Role screen
Enter a role name and a role description. Click the "Create" button. You can create an unlimited number of custom roles and assign your custom roles to GovBooks users. But first, you will need to add permissions to your custom role.

Add Permissions to a Custom Role
Step 1: Navigate to the Role Details screen
Click on "System Setup" on the upper menu bar. Select "Role Details". Select a role to which you will add permissions. Click in the "Permission" box to select the appropriate permissions for this role.

Step 2: Select the Permissions
In the "Permission" field, select the permissions to add to the role. Permissions are organized by module. For instance, all of the permissions related to the Contracts module are grouped together and can be found by searching on "Contracts" in the "Permission" field. When you have selected all of the appropriate permissions, click on the "Save" button. In this screen you may also see all of the GovBooks users who have been associated with this custom role. You may also remove a permission that has previously been assigned.